Company Profile
"Salisbury Co-operation"

The Avon Computer Co-operative (ACC) is a successful Salisbury-based company of experienced computer professionals. The ACC is set up as a marketing co-operative in 1993 and is listed at Companies House as a company limited by guarantee.

ACC comprises a number of small businesses, sole traders and freelance contractors. Individually they might offer only a limited range of computer services. As Members of ACC, however, they can offer a full range of computer design, supply and maintenance services from a single source.

The benefit to ACC is in having access to a large pool of known talent without having a permanent payroll. This benefit is passed on to ACC's clients in form of highly competitive prices.

The initial stimulus which prompted the formation of ACC has resulted in a company able to service a wide range of organisations, from large multi-nationals and public authorities to one-man businesses. Clients include major league corporations such as Rolls Royce, Marks and Spencer and British Steel, as well as HM Government departments and local education authorities.

Along the way ACC has made many contacts within the computing, internet and IT industry. We are able to call on them on those occasions when we either do not have the skills amongst our Members or when the most appropriate Members are unavailable. This gives you, the potential employer, more chance of us being able to fulfil your requirements.