Job opportunities
Under construction

Details of full-time and part-time IT job opportunities available with the Avon Computer Co-operative will be posted here.

Email ACC

Wanted:  If you are local to Salisbury (UK) and are an experienced freelance home-based professional with proven skills in any aspect of web site or general computer application development and support then the ACC wishes to hear from you.

Includes all related skills (e.g. copy writing, database management, graphic design, scripting, training, web authoring).

Typical skills or packages would include:

ASP, Allaire ColdFusion 4.5. Allaire HomeSite, Allaire JRun, Macromedia Dreamweaver 4, Macromedia Flash 5, MS Exchange 2000 Server, MS FrontPage, HTML, InstallShield, Java, JavaScript, Linux, NetObjects Fusion, MS Internet Information Server 4, MS Office 2000, Perl, RealMedia, SilverStream, MS SQL Server, Seagate Crystal Reports, Unix, VBA, VBScript, VisualBasic 6.0, Windows 2000, XML.

© Avon Computer Co-operative, 2013