Computer Co-operative Computer, IT and Internet Specialists Avon Computer Co-operative Limited is a marketing co-operative based in Salisbury (UK). The ACC was founded in June 1993 to enhance its Members' work prospects. Members generally run their own businesses, either as limited companies or sole traders, in various computing and IT fields. Between them they have a considerable range of skills which can be (and sometimes are) pooled in larger projects. Where skills are not available within the membership, or Members with required skills are temporarily unavailable, ACC looks to its considerable pool of non-Member Associates.
Until now contact with Members has been through ACC administration. Anyone wanting to employ ACC services would contact Administration, who would contact a suitable Member, who would contact etc... ACC now offers the credentials of Members and Associates on-line. This streamlines the contact path: potential employers can now select a suitable consultant or contractor and contact them directly. For those who prefer to discuss work prospects with ACC Administration rather than contact individual Members or Associates, we still have our original Contact Page.
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